Right side of the navigation bar image with rough worn textureRight side of the navigation bar image with rough worn texture

Contact Us

Want to join the fighting 505th and become a part of our combat team? Please feel free to drop us a line and enquire. We will help you put together an accurate 505th PIR uniform whether you want to be a Rifleman, Pathfinder, Support Gunner or Medic. We have the members and knowledge to help you along the way.

Film Work

Need experienced re-enactors as extras for your upcoming production / film? The 82nd 505th will be able to help. We have members who have been in films such as Allies (2014), Dads Army (2016) & the latest AA advert. In addition we regularly rehearse drills and have plenty of experience in making our events as realistic as possible. As such, we would be happy to support any production within our time period of expertise.

Feel free to email us at any time


A poster for the movie allies it has a soldier in the front and a wrecked tank below